Terms & Conditions of Membership

Taunton Dog Training Club is a voluntary organisation that is set up to help its members to obedience train their dogs. Given the number of members and dogs, that attend the different classes, there are some basic rules that all members and their visitors, must follow to ensure that Club meetings are conducted in an effective and safe manner. All members sign up to these rules as a condition of joining the Club

The Club Committee recognises that it has a duty to ensure the well-being of its members during Club meetings and it will conduct itself in a way that is consistent with that duty. It will ensure that:

  1. There are adequate facilities, resources and arrangements in place to provide a safe training environment.
  2. Health and safety information and training is provided as required.
  3. There are regular reviews of its policies and practices in this regard.

In return, all members must accept the following conditions of membership.

  1. Take reasonable care of their own, and other’s, health and safety whilst at the Club.
  2. Enter and leave the Conquest Centre in a safe and responsible manner. Drive at walking pace upon entering the car park area and park in an orderly manner.
  3. Sign in at the Reception Area immediately on arrival and give notification of any accompanying visitors. Advise visitors of their responsibilities in support of the Club.
  4. Keep their dog under control at all times. Dogs must be kept on a short lead unless asked to do otherwise by an instructor during a lesson.
  5. Advise their instructor of any history of aggression in their dog, particularly when registering their dog for the first time.
  6. Do not ask any non-member to stand-in for them at Club meetings – they are not insured.
  7. Enter the training area only when invited to do so by their instructor for the start of their lesson. Leave the training area at the end of the lesson.Advise visitors to stay within the spectator area unless invited, by an instructor, to watch a lesson.
  8. Wear clothing that is suitable for dog training work in a sand arena, for example, stout shoes, trainers and walking boots are fine, but sandals and high-heeled shoes are not.
  9. Handlers to bring poo bags to classes to pick up and then take home any droppings from their dog.
  10. Do not interfere with anything provided for health and safety reasons.
  11. Report any hazard or risk that could be a health and safety concern and any incident or accident whether or not personal injury was sustained.
  12. In the event of an emergency, leave the sand school building via the quickest and safest route and assemble at the entrance to the car park. Members to take account of any visitors that accompanied them.
  13. Support the Committee in the implementation of this policy.

Also, as per the Club Rules,

Never knowingly bring to Club meeting any dog that has been in contact with any form of illness. Moreover, in the event of their dog displaying any suspicious symptoms following a training class, will immediately inform the Club Secretary in order that the other members may be informed and suitable precautions taken.